Featuring King or Queen of the Jungle of the Week

Our student of the week is

Thursday, January 13, 2011

How about this weather?

Below are a few pictures from our Christmas Party:

Well at least we got our Christmas Party in! :) Ok, so it was on January the 7th, but it could have been on Valentine's Day the way things are looking! I really don't have much to say about the weather other than it looks like it's going to be a long winter and a reaaaaally long JUNE! I am just going to enjoy every snow day I have and not worry about the things I cannot control. The children were a bit out of sync (ok real out of sync) when we came back from the break. But this past Monday, which was the only day we have went to school this week, the kids were back to being their marvelous selves. I added extra homework this week for several reasons. One is because it was eventually coming and I figured in anticipation of the snow now was a good time with the kids being home needing "something to do". Also, spelling is getting harder as we are halfway through the first grade. We are beginning to lose the pattern that was so easy to find previously. I also feel that in writing skills our first graders are needing an extra boost. With Scott County having only half-day Kindergarten there is only so much that can be taught in that little amount of time. We do Writer's Workshop in first grade, but I would like to see more writing done at home also incorporating spelling, and handwriting, which we also work on throughout the day. Just work on it a little at a time with your child taking what we call at school "brain breaks" whenever needed. I am asking for you to help your child complete two or three sentences each night.


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