Featuring King or Queen of the Jungle of the Week
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Merry Christmas!
Season's Greetings from my home to yours! See everyone in 2011!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Holiday Cafe'
Date: Wednesday, December 8th
Time: 8:30–10:30 a.m.
Place: Stamping Ground Elementary Cafeteria
The fifth graders will host a restaurant-style breakfast.
During our economics unit we have learned how to make a product. We will sell our product to “earn wages” and make a profit. We will use the money we make as profit to buy new indoor recess toys. We have made adorable Moose Ornaments to sell at the Holiday Cafe for $2 each. Our students will be helping to run our small store.
We ask that you bring cash. ($1 bills would be super.)
We would love to see you there!
Quantities are limited - so don’t delay! Come join in on the fun!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Interactive Websites For Kids
Below is a list of websites that I have found extremely educational and age appropriate for first graders. As with anything on the Internet, please keep in mind to monitor their usage as they can occasionally drift accidentally off of the site you originally put them on and end up no telling where :) Please let me know your thoughts...if you like them, if you don't, if they are helpful, or not so much!!!
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Reading Fluency and Comprehension
Reading fluency includes the following components:
- Expression (stress, pitch, volume, clarity)
- Phrasing (pauses, word groups)
- Rate (just the right speed)
- Accuracy (correct words and punctuation)
Throughout shared reading, guided reading, and partner reading we focus on several decoding strategies. Keeping these handy on a bookmark as a visual reminder will help. Reinforcing these clues with your child when they are reading with you at home and get stuck on a word will also assist them in getting into the habit of automatically walking themselves through the steps.
- Ask: Does the word you are trying make sense?
- Ask: Does the word you are trying sound right?
- Ask: Does the word you are trying look right?
- Look at the picture clues on the page.
- Get your mouth ready for the beginning letter sound,
- Look for patterns (chunks).
- Reread. Fix.
- Skip word. Get clues. Reread.
- Think about what word makes sense.
- Stretch through word.
- Try vowel both ways. (long and short)
*If you misplaced your bookmark or would like an extra, just let me know!!!
Metacognitive Awareness Comprehension means that the reader is aware of his or her thinking during the reading of various types of texts. Good readers are actively thinking while they read. They are aware when meaning has broken down, and they stop to fix the confusion. These strategies (clarifying, connecting, deciding what is important, inferring, predicting, prior knowledge, questioning, responding emotionally, retelling/summarizing, and visualizing) become the thinking tools needed for bridge building between their brains and the text.
Asking the following questions will help with each of these strategies:
- What words or ideas don't I understand? (Clarifying)
- What is important in the text? (Identifying Important Ideas)
- Why do things happen? (Inferring)
- How is it like something else? (Making Connections-text to self, text to text, text to world)
- What might happen next? (Predicting)
- What do I know about it? (Prior Knowledge)
- What do I wonder about? (Questioning)
- How does the character feel? (Responding Emotionally)
- What was the text about? (Retelling)
- What is the picture in my mind? (Visualizing)
- What do I know about it? (Prior Knowledge)
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Happy Grandparent's Day!
What children need most are the essentials that grandparents provide in abundance. They give unconditional love, kindness, patience, humor, comfort, lessons in life. And most importantly, cookies. ~Rudolph Giuliani
Saturday, August 28, 2010
We Are Finally Finished Testing!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
We are in Great Shape in Scott County!
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Kindergarten Sight Words
- a
- am
- little
- I
- the
- one
- to
- have
- is
- two
- three
- we
- my
- like
- for
- he
- four
- me
- five
- with
- she
- see
- look
- they
- you
- of
- are
- that
- do
- here
- go
- from
- yellow
- said
- what
- green
- was
- where
- blue
- come